: Revisiting Half and Half Returning to Bahrain. The street they call the American Alley, near the US Naval Base, a place of …

: Revisiting Half and Half Returning to Bahrain. The street they call the American Alley, near the US …

: Paying Attorneys Fees with Story Rights D.C. Bar Rule 1.8© says, ” © Prior to the conclusion of representation of a client, …

: SIBOR “SIBOR” or sometimes “SAIBOR” means the Saudi Arabian Interbank Offered …

: Don’t Back Down When you’ve submitted the work as per contract and you’re asked for an additional discount, don’t …

: A Curious Case A Colombian woman was indicted in 1995 or so on a historical cocaine conspiracy case. While several …

: It practically writes itself.

: Truman Capote, Jane Bowles Truman Capote on Jane Bowles. Yes, thatJane Bowles. trumancapoteonjanebowles.pdf

: More Austin Tice When information concerning Austin Tice’s whereabouts were offered to the USG in June, …

: Austin Tice As of one year ago, Austin Tice, American law student, journalist and former Marine officer, was …

: Autorenewing Subscriptions I just got off the phone with my bank. They put a hold on my credit card because, at 0800 EST, there …

: PetroSaudi Series Picked Up by Netflix Netflix picks up Jho Low, PetroSaudi, 1MDB story: deadline.com/2023/11/n… #PetroSaudi #JhoLow …

: Lawyer’s Lament

: Assange and US “Assurances” US assurances don’t mean much. See, Sholam Weiss: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shol… …

: Form Book vs. AI The ABA doesn’t require law schools to teach a class in “drafting legal …

: Relativity Software Fix Sometimes software problems are so complex that the only solution is spiritual help. In this case, …

: White & Case and 1MDB Looks like White & Case has some liability… The principal White & Case lawyer …

: Chicago Alderman Edward Burke Convicted I remember Burke’s run for the office of Cook County State’s attorney in 1980. His ads featured a …

: Promises, Promises \#PetroSaudi

: PetroSaudi Series Picked Up by Netflix Netflix picks up Jho Low, PetroSaudi, 1MDB story: deadline.com/2023/11/n… PetroSaudi #jholow …

: Lawyer’s Lament

: Tarek Obaid, CEO of PetroSaudi Because of the personal injury bar and public defenders, people believe that lawyers work for free. …

: Form Book vs. AI The ABA doesn’t require law schools to teach a class in “drafting legal …

: Falling Down The economic system is a secret game of musical chairs. One day the music stops and you’re …

: Story of an Unsuccessful Kidnapping My client, Tamid, had a joint venture with the notorious ⁜ of Indonesia. His partner was Prince …

: Run Like a Demon Q. We need our special teams receiver to run like the wind after catching 4th down punts. Can we …

: Thoughts On The Grift Given the interest in the subject, it is strange that there is not a more fully-developed literature …

: On the Representation of Criminal Defendants I remember when I saw WWH’s “lending bank” at a strip mall in Provo or some godforsaken place. I …

: Can Happen Here The best way to deal with Trump is to ignore him. But we can’t–the media won’t let …

: Double Standard If you’re not protesting about Prighozin, you don’t get to complain about Khashoggi.

: Double Standard MbS is ostracized for Khashoggi while everyone stands around looking at their toes in the wake of …

: You read it here first.

: test

: My Mother the Juror My mother served on a petit jury when she was 75 and had the time of her life. It was an excuse to …

: App Test Let’s see if it works.

: Initial Thoughts about Trump Indictment It’s hard not to be dramatic in response to this. First, the indictment proves my point that …

: With You and I Mind your Pronouns I heard a native speaker say, “They can come with you and I.” This is incorrect. …

: Patti Smith Patti is a poet; friend of Robert Mapplethorpe (she wrote about him in Just Kids.) She was part of …

: Before the Pandemic I had just returned to Saudi Arabia. This is the view from my office on the Dammam Highway.

: Roast Beef v. Thailand “Why do you like Thailand so much?” they asked. Lunch in Chicago: six chicken wings, french fries …

: Roast Beef v. Thailand “Why do you like Thailand so much?” they asked. Six chicken wings, french fries and a roast beef …

: Six Hour Delay: BA Held My Passport Hostage in Dubai My friend left his passport in the aircraft seatback at 0800 March 30 2023. Flt. 105 LHR-DXB. An …

: The Mandalay Bay Massacre and Saudi Arabia Some have suggested that the death of 58 concert-goers in the Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas in …

: Underground Bahrain Is there a Bahrain underground? This book answers that question and tells the story of its denizens.

: Underground Bahrain This book claims that there is an underground in Bahrain and tells the story of its denizens.

: Interesting Book This book claims that there is an underground in Bahrain and tells the story of its denizens.

: Instead He Wrote Howl

: Follow the Science The LGBTQ Community Causes Earthquakes, Concludes Rabbi

: Bremerton FAQ The U.S. Supreme Court has approved private, voluntary prayer at high school football games. The …

: The US Supreme Court The Court lost all intellectual integrity with Dobbs. It is now a political body whose decisions are …

: Film Firearm Rules Alex Baldwin has some ‘splainin to do. Rules on Set No clowning around! Anyone pointing firearms at …

: Mail in the Middle East Mail in the Middle East is routinely not delivered. Is this a cultural issue (mail in Riyadh was …

: Ten Tips for Going In-House Identify your Enemy This is probably the most important. Even if you join the large in-house legal …

: The Dark Forest Hypothesis

: So What If He Never Said It?

: Manufactured Crime Wastes Law Enforcement Resources They did it again. In the Liberty City 7 case, an FBI freelance troublemaker tried to convince a …

: A Den of Thieves Pennsylvania’s senator Fetterman just spent nine days in the hospital. “Sheriff” …

: Race/Ethnicity Imposters Anna Paulina Luna George Santos Rachel Dolezal Sherry Stanley Jimenez William Montgomery McGovern …

: Race/Ethnicity Imposters Anna Paulina Luna George Santos Rachel Dolezal Sherry Stanley Jimenez William Montgomery McGovern …

: Plastic Money After four days of using polypropylene currency: I don’t like it. It doesn’t fold. It …

: Horizontal Space in Ulysses If you need blank horizontal space in Ulysses, try using a UTF-8 space character. Ulysses does not …

: New Treasurer for George Santos Santos’ best bet now is to appoint a Portuguese-speaking treasurer living in a small town in …

: Killer Cops If the Memphis killer cops had been white, the country would be in flames.

: A Perfect Day for an Exorcism In order to expel evil from her home after the attempt on her husband’s life, House Speaker Nancy …

: The Nature of the Law

: Monterey Park Motive A bitter, lonely old man with access to an assault weapon decided to share the pain of loneliness …

: The $750,000 Santos Mystery Solved Drumroll please: the mystery of the Santos $750,000 campaign contribution solved.

: The $750,000 Santos Mystery Solved Drumroll please: the mystery of the Santos $750,000 campaign contribution solved. santos …

: Lawyers: How to Differentiate Lawyers fail to monetize their networks. This often has value. Instead, lawyers pretend that it …

: Lawyers: How to Differentiate Lawyers fail to monetize their networks. This often has value. Instead, lawyers pretend that it …

: Give Santos a Break OK, he lied. He’s not Jewish, his grandparents had nothing to do with the Holocaust, he didn’t work …

: George Santos: American Really, what is more American than the grift? George Santos “embellished” his resumé, not worrying …

: Give Santos a Break OK, he lied. He’s not Jewish, his grandparents had nothing to do with the Holocaust, he didn’t work …

: Cali’s New Evidentiary Rule No longer can rap lyrics be held against their author in a criminal trial, a new California law …

: Horizontal Space in Ulysses If you need blank horizontal space in Ulysses, try using a UTF-8 space character. Ulysses does not …

: Dobbs Leak Investigation Update

: Militarized Police If anyone doubts how militarized US law enforcement has become, look at these badged, armed idiots …

: Dark Forces Apparently, this is still needed since the conspiracy theorists have suggested that dark forces have …

: Schooling for Seniors While previously I focused on Southern Illinois University’s “Returning Scholar Program” and its …

: Stackexchange Editor Problem

: How to Find a Lawyer Overseas Need a lawyer overseas? How do you find one? It really depends on the country and the type of case. …

: The Santos Protocol A New Way to Find a Job Today’s job hunt should start with careful invention following the example …

: The Santos Protocol A New Way to Find a Job Today’s job hunt should start with careful invention following the example …

: How an Apostrophe Almost Landed Me in Jail John Delorean I feel for those whose surnames include a ‘de, di, la’, an ‘al-’, …

: You asked, We quacked

: But Britney’s a Special Case Britney Griner was benefited in more ways than one by the extraordinary prisoner exchange with …

: Horizontal Space in Ulysses If you need blank horizontal space in Ulysses, try using a UTF-8 space character. Ulysses does not …

: Eastern Brown Snake I had a conversation about these critters last week. They are found, fortunately enough, in …

: The Duke of Sodom and a Time Travel Mystery Solved I came across a reference, in a new biography of Colette, to the “Duke of Sodom,” a French dandy, …

: Paul Pelosi Update While the arresting officers’ body cams have not been released, at least one journalist has seen the …

: An Act of Charity A young mother with her malnutritioned two year old son has staked out a begging post at the …

: Moving Tips Two ideas: throw stuff out. 10% won’t survive the move anyway. Put stuff in storage. If you …

: The Gerontocracy The American president is eighty years old. Eighty. Years. Old. We are ruled by a gerontocracy. …

: Brooks Sentenced to 762 Years in Prison Darrell Brooks, the Waukesha hit and run murderer, was sentenced this week to six consecutive life …

: Twitter’s 8 Bucks Plan If Twitter: –starts charging $8 for verification to meet KYC (Know Your Customer) anti-money …

: Saudis Help Achieve Ukrainian Prisoner Exchange Perhaps the US would be wise to stop insulting the Saudi petroleum minister and attacking the Saudis …

: More on the Mail; a Trystero in Panama and a Lonely Parrot The predilection for writing letters did not begin in Bahrain. In another lifetime, I worked for the …

: The Stateless Suckling An infant lay in a baby carriage in front of the photo studio. I was there to get visa pictures as …

: Drug War News One undiscussed aspect of the pardon is whether those who are incarcerated on other offenses, but …

: Laptop Landlords Property owners who delegate rental management to local companies an who may never even have visited …

: US v. UK In the US, it’s .” In the UK, it’s ”. When writing Markdown, it’s *. or .* Because it doesn’t matter …

: Typewriters Typing envelopes is a practical use for a typewriter. By the time you: open a WP program find …

: A Unanimous Decision In 1975, the US Senate unanimously agreed to posthumously restore citizenship to Robert E. Lee and …

: No Intellectual Integrity It is now silly to pretend that there is any intellectual integrity to Supreme Court decisions. For …

: Saudi Biden Fist-Bump News This is the kind of nonsense I’d expect from grifters, con artists and others of that ilk. In …

: Cosplaying Coward Cops While the killer murders children, cosplaying coward cops make sure their hands are sanitized. The …

: Quemoy and Matsu 60 years after arguing about Quemoy and Matsu we’re still arguing about Quemoy and Matsu.

: Bahrain Stats Good news Bahrain: The number of Active Covid-19 cases is dropping. 12,747 as of 4 July. There is …

: Soul-Eating Monster Q. “We are playing the conference champions next week and our team has had a dismal record. …

: Football Prayer Rug American Muslims: now that the US Supreme Court in Bremerton has approved midfield prayer during …

: June Stats June stats: the number of Active Covid-19 cases in Bahrain has started to level off, with daily …

: Bremerton FAQ The U.S. Supreme Court has approved private, voluntary prayer at high school football games. The …

: “Historic” Legislation The proposed “historic” American gun legislation is anything but: no restrictions on …

: Protecting Democracy What’s strange– and really more dangerous than anything else –is that both sides …

: No More English Efforts to “de-gender” the English language by using neologisms (e.g. “latinx”) have …

: British Ooze Under Your Shoes Anyone who makes it from Calais, whether legally or not, should be given refugee status because of …

: Assange Plea Here are the outlines for a face-saving plea for the USG in the Assange case: Guilty plea to a …

: Not Refugees Chilean-resident Haitians who have lived in Chile for five years are not refugees. Chile #haiti …

: Evergreening the Vig Evergreening: “To roll over unpaid amounts on loans, adding to the total amount …

: Save Money on Business Consulting No need to waste millions on McKinsey’s business consulting advice; the t-shirt says it all.

: LIV PGA Hypocrisy There is so little to write about when covering golf that the slightest variation from the game’s …

: Kids Need Guns and They Need Them Now “Imagine some would-be mass shooter bursting into a classroom only to be faced almost instantly by …

: Not Looking Good The number of Active Covid-19 cases in Bahrain continues to rise.

: On the Submission of Appellate Briefs One great way to have a brief pompously returned is to you with directions to “correct and …

: Kosovo and Ukraine Kosovo voted for independence and the will of the people was respected. Crimea voted for union with …

: Not Looking Good Active Covid-19 cases in Bahrain for the month of June, 2022. The numbers are going up, not down.

: Lawyers Futzing Do clients know they are paying seasoned lawyers to futz with document formatting? This is a direct …

: Infected Thought Reuters asks: “should a female elephant have some of the same legal rights as humans? In a push to …

: How Many Banks? According to the NY Times, at least 20 banks are putting up 1/3rd of the money Elon needs to buy …

: Roe v. Wade Leak First drafts don’t get typeset in 12 pt Century. This is a “draft” only in the …

: Twitter’s Largest Foreign Shareholder I have pointed out that KSA is the largest foreign shareholder of Twitter. I was corrected here and …

: Kyle Rittenhouse back in the News Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Biden (for criticizing him). Kyle, here’s some advice: some day you …

: A Second Act (Congressman Alcee Hastings died this week). Alcee Hastings, a civil rights leader in the 1970’s, …

: Don’t Turn off the Projector Only one type of speech is properly prohibited and that is speech which seeks to censor others. A …

: Da’esh and the Dakotas The report of Jeffrey Stahl Ferris’ suicide after a federal jury found him guilty of terror-related …

: Bad Luck for Me I spent a good deal of February researching and writing a brief volume titled, Saudi Arabia Privacy …

: Houthis Hit Refinery in Jeddah The Houthis have substantially improved the accuracy of their targeting and hit an Aramco refinery …

: The Interview with the Prime Minister Context: a few weeks ago, an influencer announced that he had obtained an exclusive interview with …

: Total Loss The Ukrainians have pledged to rebuild the An-225 six-engined superplanc transporter, the only one …

: HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR CV (AND GET IT READ) Facebook gets 15,000 applications for every announcement of a new job opening, You would need an …

: Not Likely They’ll Work Now It’s the best we can do.

: Colonel Sanders, International Man of Mystery Colonel Sanders, International Man of Mystery You may only know him as a Kentucky lawyer who came up …

: Maglev Trains Usually at this point I would rant about McKinsey’s advice to US companies to offshore and outsource …

: A Cautionary Fairy Tale A certain Big 4 accounting firm had a client who wanted a cat-catcher license in the Canal Zone, a …

: Blue Diamond Affair: KSA and Thailand Restore Ties The Thai Prime Minister, Prayut Chan o Cha, visited Riyadh on Tuesday, January 25th. Following his …

: Here We Go

: Freedom from Responsibility Freedom from responsibility. America’s freedoms have been boiled down to one issue: “do they make …

: More on Ivermectin The MSM has pushed Ivermectin as a horse dewormer, and anyone who attempts to contradict this dogma …

: Escaped Macaques Following a crash involving a dump truck, three macaques escaped from their cages while being …

: Ivermectin and Balance CNN, at least in this instance, has stopped calling Ivermectin a veterinary medicine and more …

: I Over the Pole The last time I flew on an A-380 was in business class returning to Dubai from Munich. Today I am …

: Treatments Two years ago, there was no treatment for the Sickness; in that context I predicted that the …

: South Sudan The separatist war that birthed South Sudan was particularly brutal. The northern part of the …

: I Don’t Care What You Say, There is No Such Thing as a Mainstream Media ‘Narrative’

: I Couldn’t Resist This Those who say that acquittal was a foregone conclusion? Nope. Not when the jury is out for four …

: Indeed (from the NY Post) “𝙽𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚎: 𝙷𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜; 𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 …

: How to Fire an Employee It is important to recognize that no employee ever gets fired because of financial reasons. …

: Москва (The foul-mouthed, softball-playing, draft-dodging eighth graders from St. Priscilla’s are at it …

: School for Seniors Do you remember my scheme for spending my retirement in a college town? Many of you thought that I …

: Waiting for the Announcement How will we know the pandemic is over? Just as there was no formal announcement of the pandemic’s …

: Test Test after crash.

: Truth and Evidence It’s interesting (at least to me) how different systems or professions address the issue of truth. …

: Vietnam In a very real sense, I grew up with Vietnam. The war the Vietnamese call the “American War” was on …

: How an Apostrophe Almost Landed Me in Jail John Delorean I feel for those whose surnames include a ‘de, di, la’, an ‘al-’, …

: Equus “Is Ivermectin safe? When used for the current indications, at the currently approved doses, …

: Schooling for Seniors Update As it turns out, university tuition is tax-deductible for seniors who return to school to obtain …

: Federal Mask Mandate The US Department of Transportation has extended the federal mask mandate to January, 2022, …

: R.Kelly Trial: Where’s the Jury? The trial of R. Kelly on federal racketeering charges is being held on a semi-virtual basis: the …

: Mask or No Mask I’ll go out on a limb and say that much of the civil strife in the United States is between …

: Library Blues

: There really was a Pierre Menard. But he did not write the Quijote, contrary to Mr. Borges’ …

: Selling your Condo? Selling a condo isn’t easy these days. Real estate agents have to do due …

: Murder in West Cork If depicted accurately in the documentary Murder in West Cork, the evidence: changed stories …

: Explosive Flatulency as a Risk Factor for Covid-19 While often a matter of juvenile humor, it has become increasingly obvious to the peer-reviewed …

: Escalante Gave Up Gloria Escalante, a condo board member unit owner in the collapsed Champlain Towers South building, …

: Another Accurate Prediction Potential buyers (erroneously referred to by real estate agents as “clients”1) are now asking for …

: Bolivian Admiral Arrested A Bolivian admiral was arrested for his role in the military coup that overthrew Evo Morales. …

: When There’s Nothing to Report “In a small moment of hope, a cat was seen wandering a lower floor of the remaining flank of the …

: Lockdown Suspended The number of cases in Bahrain during the last month has dropped from a high of 28,798 active cases …

: 2021 Scorecard Storming of the US Capitol Trump Impeachment B737 Crash in Indonesia Outbreak of UK, So.African and …

: Schooling for Seniors I was sitting around with my roommates a few years ago and the subject of retirement came up, as did …

: Biden's Photo Op in Miami Beach Biden has nothing to do with the Champlain Towers South building collapse. Nothing. The feds have no …

: Hanging Spalls Florida’s vocabulary gifts: chad, as in “hanging chad” spall (v.) Any others? …

: Champlain Towers Analysis There’s a lot being written about the Champlain Towers collapse, but perhaps, as a former owner of a …

: Trapped? Trapped in debris? Earthquake? Avalanche? Collapsed building? Or just visiting an Associated Press …

: Criminal Justice System is Arbitrary and Capricious The US criminal justice system is arbitrary and capricious. Sammy got 5 years for 19 murders. How …

: Schooling for Seniors I was sitting around with my roommates a few years ago and the subject of retirement came up, as did …

: Why Don’t Jurors Get Ballots? It occurs to me that jurors are left to their own devices when it comes to voting ballots on an …

: Bahrain on UK’s Redlist With all the discussion about the removal of Portugal from the UK travel bubble, few saw that …

: Assange If the NY Times and the rest of the Western MSM got behind Assange, that would be the end of it. …

: The Worth Avenue Gang Jennifer’s downfall was her fine taste in clothes. Not satisfied with shopping at Target or …

: Vaccination Passport *Fauda* My vaccination is linked to my Bahraini resident’s permit number (CPR). Unfortunately, that permit …

: US Shows Belarus the Way Interesting how Western governments and the Media™ have attacked Belarus for diverting and grounding …

: Truth Behind the Icon The iconic photo of Che Guevara was cropped. #photography #Original #PhotographyRedefined

: Book Sales The average U.S. book is now selling less than 200 copies per year and less than 1,000 copies over …

: Zoom Issues Has anyone been on a Teams/Zoom call (not w/in CONUS) where at least someone had a technical issue?

: Da’esh and the Dakotas The report of Jeffrey Stahl Ferris’ suicide after a federal jury found him guilty of terror-related …

: Maybe It's not Within the President's Power to Fix

: Who Needs Vaccines?

: Land of the Free--with Censorship

: Deplatforming is Censorship

: Don’t Pull the Plug The risk that someone will yell “Fire!” is no reason to pull the plug on the projector.

: Girl, Taken Arlington Heights is a tranquil place. World events seldom disturb the peace of the Northwest …

: Invitation to a Book-burning In today’s topsy-turvy world the liberals are in favor of censorship and the conservatives are …

: Two Houthi Drones They’ve been throwing these at Riyadh lately.

: Don’t Pull the Plug The risk that someone will yell “Fire!” is no reason to pull the plug on the projector.

: 10 x 1/2 Saudi Arabia has roughly half the number of Active Covid-19 cases as Bahrain, but it has at least …

: Lined Up Karen National Union. Shan State Army. Now Kachin Independence Army. all lined up against the rebel …

: No Press, Please Perhaps they want to hide the efficient way the Suez Canal Authority is managing the crisis.

: Civil War in Myanmar The Shan State Army, along with the Karen National Union, lines up against the rebel Tatmadaw.

: The Dangers of Word for Word Translation

: The Satisfaction of Typing a Letter

: Trump on Trump

: Push Harder

: Coward Cops Back on the Beat

: Get Your CV Read

: Biden's Promises (From the Chicago Reader)

: Did you Cash your $2000 Check Yet?

: Censorship

: Biden Says

: Twitter’s Algos/AI Twitter has banned discussions of committing the ultimate harm to oneself, so the usual words for …

: Ivermectin Joins Hydroxy Ivermectin joins Hydroxychloroquine as a once highly-touted drug for the treatment of the Sickness …

: Cost Cutting Can Kill Colby Chandler, Kodak’s former CEO from 1983-1990 was proud of his cost cutting. He once took …

: Caveat from ODNI Assessment Here’s a caveat to a recent US ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) assessment: …

: Spanked by Twitter My account was suspended by Twitter for suggesting that, in view of the evidence of the Astra Zeneca …

: LLavero A young woman takes over her father’s drug business. By the time she points a gun at you, it’s too …

: President Biden's New Grandchild Hunter Biden is guaranteed to provide political comic relief for the next four years. Hunter …

: There are now three (four?) recognized dangerous Covid-19 variants: B.1.1.7 (United Kingdom) P1 …

: 2021 Scorecard 2021 Scorecard: Storming of the US Capitol Trump Impeachment B737 Crash in Indonesia Outbreak of …

: The Coup in Myanmar Imagine if the generals of the Tatmadaw were advising Trump. After arresting Myanmar legislators and …

: No More Conspiracy Theories No More Conspiracy Theories I’m sick and tired of QAnon, Pizzagate and other conspiracy theories. …

: Government Depository Libraries Government Depository Libraries Every major university’s library, public and private, is a …

: Vaccinations and Centenarians A vaccine is an immune system booster. It is not a cure or a treatment for disease. You have to have …

: Aaron Swartz: Blame MIT and USAO I wrote this four years ago, pointing out that the Swartz prosecution was political in nature. MIT …

: What do you call a Post-K Arbitration? An adjutorious arbitration; an archaic word but then again, in the law nothing is archaic. There has …

: Another Extrajudicial Killing You cannot applaud the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in Iran while condemning the …

: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan left the White House when he was 77 years old after serving two terms. Joe Biden today …

: Sumerian Wind Demons “There’s no freedom of religion unless you are free to worship Sumerian wind demons”

: Francis Scott Key and John Marshall Francis Scott Key, the author of the Star Spangled Banner, was an attorney in Maryland. And a …

: Trump's Post-Presidency It looks like Biden is the victor, assuming no court intervention. Whatever happens between now and …

: The Post-Presidency

: British Judicial Understatement In describing an incident where feces were found in the marital bed that Amber Heard shared with …

: Who Will Win? We won’t know on election night and there’s the rub. The courts may give the election to …

: How I Got My Twitter Account Back Whose Fault? When I woke up one morning in June, there was a message from Twitter on my phone, …

: Character Evidence Evidence of good character is relevant in many types of legal proceedings. How long before the …

: Facebook Obituaries How long before an obituary records the number of Facebook “likes” a person received …

: Jerry Jeff Walker RIP When you’re down on your luck And you ain’t got a buck In London, you’re a goner They say you remain …

: Hovering Around 3100 For the past six days, the number of active Covid-19 cases in Bahrain has hovered around 3100.

: Sick Travelers Game the System Sick travelers game the system, putting everyone at risk, to be able to travel to Pakistan. This is …

: Embassies to the Middle East American cultural embassies to the Middle East: KFC McDonald’s Dunkin Donuts Krispy Creme …

: Travel Dreams Travel dreams.

: Bug the Fire Extinguishers When the CIA bugged the Ecuadorian embassy in London (howdey doodad?) they placed the bugs on the …

: What is Close Contact Close contact may not be close contact, and occasional contact may now be close contact. I guess.

: Howda hell diddy get dat? Howda hell diddy get dat?

: Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object Irresistible Force: Blaming the Russians, Cubans, Chinese Immovable Object: Having to pay your …

: Bulgarian Chihuaha Smugglers Bulgarian chihuahua smugglers operating in Norway may mean the death of this innocent animal.

: Lining Up In An Orderly Fashion This is what the US has been fighting for in Afghanistan.

: Foreign Policy by Indictment

: Childhood My childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon. (From Austin Powers)

: Americans Can't Extend French Visas, But Chechen Murderers Get Ten Year Residency Americans can’t extend French Schengen visas, but Chechen murderers get ten year French …

: Sea-Launched Drones Bad news for the US Fifth Fleet: Iran now has sea-launched drones. The Fifth Fleet is headquartered …

: Proposed Scrivener Pleading Wizard One way to make Scrivener easier would be to add Wizards for common tasks, like compile. Back in the …

: Masked Confrontations Now Commonplace The masked and the maskless both have strong opinions. That is why fistfights break out over …

: Machine Gun Kelly Machine Gun Kelly was Italian, not Irish, as his name would otherwise suggest.

: Causeway Questions Clear Up The Causeway/border mystery has been resolved. The Causeway is open. But the reason why there has …

: How the Indian Education System Teaches Students to Game the System A devastating analysis of Jugaad, the Indian education system and gaming the system as a way of …

: Second Wave: Ireland Ireland’s Covid-19 task force is now recommending a full, Stage 5 lock-down as cases increase to …

: Second Wave: French Bars to Close The French will be forced to drink at home as the number of cases of the Sickness increases.

: Saudi Arabia and Vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to susceptibility to the Sickness. Fully 83% of Saudi citizens …

: Juliette Binoche and E-Books

: Dealmaking in the Middle East It is common in the Middle East for a party to enter into a transaction only to find strangers …

: Looking Back at the Roger Stone Arrest I still believe that the (televised) Roger Stone arrest was the result of a deliberate leak by the …

: There is no "Kavanaugh Rule"

: Lawrence Ferling Lawrence Ferling is the birth name of the poet you may know as Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

: Trump-Biden Debate Analysis Congratulations, America; you got your spectacle. The problem is media coverage: treat the …

: Jesus was Illiterate Jesus was illiterate.

: Against All Odds

: Unrestrained Greed Lil Tay was a nine year-old Internet sensation who used foul language while flexing (that is, …

: Here's a Preview of the 2020 Vote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore

: Taiwan is Now Arrakis Taiwan is now Arrakis.

: One Step Forward, One Step Back

: A Grim Number

: The Grammar of Money The secret laws of money. Ignore them at your peril.

: Better than an Appeal I guess this is one way to show your disapproval of an 11th Circuit opinion requiring felons in …

: Kosher Salt in Bahrain Diplomatic relations with Israel were only established last week and look what’s already on …

: DiBlasio and Netanyahu DiBlasio and Netanyahu bob have the same problem when it comes to getting the haredim to obey social …

: About Latinx There are serious people on both sides of this argument. Grammatical gender is a feature of many …

: The Difference between Canada and the USA Which is why the US has more cases than any country in the world.

: Nothing Wrong I told you, there’s nothing wrong with my passport.

: Journalists Beware The US DoJ has argued in the Assange extradition case that US journalists can be convicted under the …

: Aztec Plague Advice (from David Bowles) The Aztecs treated their kings harshly for failing to follow plague protocols.

: Where's Walid? Prince Walid bin Talal, famous Saudi billionaire, the most well-known of all those incarcerated in …

: The Ultraviolet Solution Ultraviolet light kills Covid-19. Read more.

: Russian Vaccine Sputnik V, the name of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine, seems to be effective. Vaccinations have been …

: Opening Postponed Based on the more than doubling of new Covid-19 cases in the past two weeks, Bahrain announced today …

: The Long Game Would a Trump victory insure the nomination of a progressive by the Democrats in 2024? With another …

: Underground Bahrain Someone sent me this…

: Fake News It was 61° F in New York today; not 31°. The source was an Arab television station.

: 38/32 It’s 38° C in Bahrain; 32° F in NYC.

: Assange Extradition Unfortunately, you can’t trust the United States government when it comes to extradition. Just ask …

: Exorcism or Prosecution? The Nimitz Loses a Sailor USS Nimitz Loses Sailor, Time for an Exorcism A sailor assigned to the USS Nimitz, an American …

: The Gates Foundation and Journalism Subsidized news without or with little disclosure.

: What's the Difference between Indie Publishing and Vanity Publishing? The difference is sales to strangers. Vanity publishing means printing and ordering books. After …

: The Drug War and Napoleon No one anticipated that a wealthy Saudi who took up our invitation to throw the Russians out of …

: M. Duras Spoke Vietnamese Marguerite Duras, author, film director, Resistance fighter grew up speaking Vietnamese. Though she …

: Never Grill a Rubber Chicken Always sound advice.

: You Should be Using It For typesetting.

: Sturgis v. Peru in the CoronaBowl (From David Stockman) “Finally, there’s this. When over 460,000 motorcyclists descended upon …

: Low Level Persistent Spread Low-Level but Persistent Spread Like Cuba, Bahrain is an island. Like Cuba, Bahrain has closed off …

: The First Electrocution But the blood was continuing to ooze from Kemmler’s small finger wound. His heart still had to be …

: End of Story Translation End of story = Capítulo cerrado. Spanish, obviously.

: New Orleans A beignet is just a small ojaldra. Discuss.

: On an Island I’m on an island. The only land border was closed on March 6. The airport closed then as well. …

: Steve Bannon Arrest The arrest was made by US Postal Inspectors, one of the most professional of all federal law …

: Death in Laos The Laotian hazmat squad shows up to take away the coffin carrying the infected body.

: Average Age of Covid-19 Deaths Average age of Covid-19 death is 82 years.

: tessst kielbasa rump short ribs buffalo. Ribeye t-bone chuck chicken burgdoggen tail prosciutto pastrami …

: Pressure on Saudi Arabia? The WSJ claims that the establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Saudi Arabia puts …

: Test of Logging Version Marsedit Bacon ipsum dolor amet filet mignon boudin swine porchetta rump turkey, t-bone beef ribs. Pork loin …

: Who's Responsible for the Beirut Port Fire? When the M/V Rhosus sailed into Lebanese waters in 2013 to pick up new cargo, the owners already had …



: I Don’t Care I don’t care if the vaccine has alien DNA in it or if it’s …

: test Marsedit pwd test

: Biden's Election Means Trouble for Saudi Arabia More here.

: Anything is Possible at Zombo.com The unattainable is unknown at zombo.com. Worth a visit.

: Saudi Arabia's Secret Payment to Spanish King A curious payment: a contractor seeking a public works contract might be tempted to pay a bribe. …

: Game at 50, by W. Nanner Flint Dating for the over 50’s:Game at 50.

: De-Platforming is Censorship De-Platforming is censorship.

: Leveling the Playing Field Would Be Nice Federal criminal defense attorneys must pay for PACER access out of their own pockets (in theory, …

: Huawei, China, Canada But not smooth enough to get out of a diplomatic crisis with China. #mengwanzhou #fourdeathsentences …

: The ceviche was a success. This time I used a Panamanian recipe. I soaked the fish in brine for …

: This is the Problem

: My Extensive July Travels A whole two kilometers.

: Mid-Year Recap 2020 Mid-Year Recap It’s been a helluva year. To briefly recap: Impeachment and trial of American …

: How to File a Grievance or Respond to an HR Complaint How to Write an Employee Complaint Upon getting that dreaded letter from HR (remember: HR is not …

: Saudi Arabia Employee Handbook Thinking of a job in Saudi Arabia?

: It Could be Worse Looks like the pandemic will be with us for a while yet longer.

: Dementia is a Terrible Disease How can the Democrats put forward a 78 year-old with dementia?

: Nine Life Hacks You Won't Find Anywhere Else ###Use Pennies to Identify Recurring Monthly Payments Let’s say you owe a creditor $50 per …

: That’s depressing. Go back to mu7ami.com

: Pepys on Pubs in the Pandemic Sage advice.

: It's Monday But the post office in Adliya was closed. Strange.

: Document Post Test Here’s a document. Here is a link to the document: mu7ami.micro.blog/uploads/2…

: This is What "Defund the Police" Means This is basically the idea.

: MarsEdit 3 Chicken bacon corned beef beef ribs venison. Pig chislic pork belly corned beef pastrami, shankle …

: Marsedit Image Test Chicken bacon corned beef beef ribs venison. Pig chislic pork belly corned beef pastrami, shankle …

: Test of Marsedit This is a test of Marsedit. Bacon ipsum dolor amet chislic short ribs tongue, pork bresaola pork …

: Was It A Training Exercise? The killing of Floyd George has drawn an avalanche of commentary due to the subsequent and …

: JT Leroy, Ted Berrigan, Alice Notley, Eileen Myles, T Kira Madden Maybe it was because it was a different time I am trying to understand the outrage behind the JT …

: Game at 50 by W. Nanner Flint. The dating manual for the over-50’s.

: ## Death of a Lawyer: Perry Mason 2020, S01 Ep 4 Death of a Lawyer: Perry Mason 2020, S01 Ep 4 Earle Stanley Gardner was an American lawyer, novelist …

: Bahrain Active Cases Down to Mid-May Levels Bahrain’s doing pretty well. 5374 active cases at …

: Anyone can get tested. Go back to mu7ami.com

: Because People Won’t Follow Rules The authorities in Milan were brutal. Go back to mu7ami.com

: When You Stare into the Abyss Go back to mu7ami.com

: Go back to mu7ami.com

: Go back to mu7ami.com

: The Only Safe Place

: Hydroxychloroquine remains a subject of controversy. So far, we have been failed by the …

: The Alley American Alley, Juffair, Bahrain